All you need to do is a quick Google search (or two), to find the perfect rationale for using Problem Based Learning (PBL). Actually, there are many valid reasons for bringing PBL into your classroom.  A well designed PBL inherently embodies student centered learning.

  • Preparing students with skills they need
  • Motivating students to engage in learning
  • Interdisciplinary learning
  • Differentiation
  • Student-centered teaching practices
  • Students can be authentically assessed
  • Can be used with students from Kinder through College
  • Research supports PBL

Creating a quality PBL takes time and practice.  We model our practice after those found at the Earth Systems Science Education Alliance (ESSEA),  using a modified Buck Institute template. The ESSEA modules utilize to some added features such as an in-depth scenario to provide context and a ‘reason to learn’, along with a clearly defined task and multiple online resources which support differentiated instruction.

I’ll take this up in more depth in the near future.

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